Telegram is an open-source messaging app launched in 2013, and as of January 2016, it already has more than 100 million users worldwide. It was created by Russian brothers Nikolai and Pavel Durov, the former of whom also founded the social networking site Vkontakte (which translates to In Contact). It boasts several advanced features not seen in other apps. Many of its key features are easy to use, even if you don't have any programming or coding experience. Some make Telegram stand out among other messaging apps available today.
The latest update of the Telegram app was in August 2022. The new updates include custom animated emojis, voice message privacy, and gifting premium subscription. The updates to the emoticons will enable you to create your own unique and customized GIFs for free. You can also send them to friends and family. Voice messages are encrypted with end-to-end encryption so that only you and your recipient can read them (only if they have a telegram account). Finally, we now have a gifting system where users can send premium subscriptions as gifts to each other.
1. Send any message, picture, video, or file;
2. Up to 200,000 people can join the same group or channel;
3. Add a second number or move existing phone numbers;
4. Multiple profile picture uploads;
5. Secret Telegram chats;
6. Customized looks and auto-night mode.
- The app is secure and private;
- There are up to 200 chat groups per account, which is more than most other apps.
- There is not much of a setup process; you need to enter your phone number to start.
- You can set up automatic self-destruct timers for messages and media in chats;
-The built-in Bot platform allows you to interact with third-party services like Spotify or Uber from within Telegram.
- The app is ultra-fast and synced with all devices;
- There are no restrictions on the types or sizes of the files you can transmit. Your device will need no disk space to store your entire chat history.
1. Privacy concerns- Telegram doesn't have the same protections as other apps, such as WhatsApp, so you should use it cautiously.
2. No password protection- Messages are not encrypted or protected by a password, so you should only use them for sensitive information that isn't private.
3. Limited accessibility on desktop- The desktop version of Telegram is limited and can't be used to create group chats or manage them.
4. Self-destructing messages - once a message is sent, it cannot be deleted.
How to use
Telegram app is straightforward to use. Here are the steps to downloading and setting up the app:
1. Download the application
2. Register your number
3. Open the app and paste the verification code you got via text message.
4. In some cases, the app will call your phone instead
5. Put your name and allow access to your contacts
6. If you want, set a separate PIN
From there on, you can select any user you want and send them a message.
Telegram is one of the best texting platforms available. What is tricky about this app is the self-destructing message function. This means that it can't be retrieved once the message has been sent. This app also has built-in end-to-end encryption, so messages sent through Telegram are secure and can't be read by other people if they have access to your device.
It's also easy to use and efficient, making Telegram a great app.